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EDEN Webinar: The European Digital Education Hub. Bridging the gaps and growing together

november 12, 2024 kl 13:0014:15

Topic:  The European Digital Education Hub. Bridging the gaps and growing together
Format:  Presentations and discussion
Description: The session is dedicated to reviewing the activities of the European Digital Education Hub that contribute to the development of the Community of Practice which discusses and develops knowledge on digital education in Europe. The challenges addressed in the Hub by CoP members, as well as focused and dedicated activities will be showcased live from the Hub with a lively discussion during the session.

Moderator: Prof. dr. Airina Volungevičienė, Director of the Institute of Study Innovations at Vytautas Magnus University

Prof. dr. Airina Volungevičienė has been working among leading researchers, methodology specialists and education policy makers in the area of online and digital education development in Europe and Lithuania since 1997. Having established the national association Lithuanian Distance and e-Learning association (2010), she continued as a leader in research and project work to promote the development of TEL in in HE, schools, VET and adult learning. She researched, experimented with and searched for the added value of educational technology since 2004 before mainstreaming it for education, including quality assurance tools, virtual mobility, open educational resources, learning analytics, microcredentials, AI and many other EdTech solutions.
She joined EDEN governance since 2010, as the Board member, Vice President for Research (2016 – 2019) and the President (2016 – 2021). She founded EDEN Digital Learning Europe in Estonia after Brexit, and continues to serve as a director in the Management Board. She is the team leader and senior expert for Knowledge building activities in the European Digital Education Hub since 2022, a member of the European Commission DELTA (Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment) working group, and researcher and director of the Institute of Study Innovations at Vytautas Magnus University.


Björn Bachmann

Björn Bachmann from DAAD is the current Deputy Project Manager of the EDEH service contract. As the Acting Project Lead in 2022-2023, he oversaw the management of the 13-partner consortium and the coordination with the EACEA and DG EAC. In the EDEH community workshops taking place in Brussels, Björn has been responsible for the programme’s conceptual development and the moderation of participants from policy, research, Edtech, and other education and training backgrounds. Before joining DAAD in 2022, Björn worked as Project Coordinator in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). He managed EUN’s activities in the STEM Alliance and its affiliated projects such as the “STEM Alliance – Dell PolicyHack™.” He managed the pedagogical activities with partners, including the elaboration of a MOOC on aerospace in class. Björn has previously coordinated the development and launch of the STEM School Label website. In the spaceEU project, Björn coordinated European teacher training institutes in their development of training plans. He holds a Master of Science in Educational Studies (KU Leuven), a Master of Arts in International Studies (Aarhus University) and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences and Public Administration (University of Konstanz).

Dr. Sandra Kučina Softić

Dr. Sandra Kučina Softić is  the vice president of EDEN Digital Learning Europe, Assistant Director at the University of Zagreb University Computing Centre (Croatia) and Head of the E-learning Centre. She has over 25 years of experience working in higher education. Her work is focused on monitoring and fostering e-learning in Croatian higher education and providing support and advice to institutions, teachers and students in implementing new technologies in learning and teaching. She has a master’s degree in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh, UK and a PhD in Information and Communication Technologies at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. In 2021, she authored a book on digital transformation in higher education (published in Croatian). She is a professor at the University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, DOBA University, Slovenia and University North, Croatia. She was EDEN president 2019- 2022. Since 2023 she has been EDEN DLE Vice-President for Open Professional Collaboration.

Vlad Mihaescu

Vlad Mihaescu has a PhD in educational and technological models of MOOCs and has more than 20 years of experience as a trainer and teacher in areas like multimedia technologies, social media, e-tourism, e-learning, usability, entrepreneurship, programming, soft skills, leadership, and project management. Author of over 50 scientific papers and book chapters published in international conferences and journals, Vlad is involved in several European research projects in the field of eLearning, digital culture, and digital entrepreneurship. He is also an associate professor for UPT. For more than 10 years, Vlad has been part of the technical support team of the UPT Virtual Campus (Moodle). Between 2020-2023, Vlad has served in the position of Chair of the Steering Committee of EDEN’s NAP (Network of Academics and Professionals), which he is still a member of. Since 2022, he has also been a member of the Management Board of EDEN, organising several workshops and webinars and participating as a speaker or moderator in EDEN events. Vlad was the Local Conference Manager for EDEN’s AC in 2020. Vlad is also the Vice-President of the UPT Senate.

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november 12, 2024
13:00 – 14:15
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EDEN European Open and Digital Learning Week